10 Proven Ways How Exercise Can Boost Your Happiness

2. Exercise helps relieve stress

Exercise can relieve, or at the very least, help you cope with stress. After a stress filled day at work, school or on the freeway, exercise can quickly help relieve the resulting frustration. Exercise also relieves that mounting tension, anxiety and anger that accompany your stress. Exercise will immediately take the mind off any problems as you focus your physical activity. The repetition and rhythm of exercise have a soothing effect very similar to meditation. If your exercise requires concentration and coordinated movements, focusing will promote calmness and clarity. As you exercise, your heart rate increases, as do circulation and the flow of oxygen to your brain. Your brain will reward you with endorphins, the “feel-good” neurotransmitters that provide a sense of well-being and euphoria.[2]

In a nutshell: Stress, if not alleviated by exercise, will lead to stress eating and episodes of emotional binge eating. Hop on the treadmill instead. As you continue to exercise improving your health and physical wellness, you’ll have less to stress about.

stress quotation

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