10 Proven Ways to Help Stay Calm Under Pressure

6. Eat healthy to help stay calm

You already know that eating well is important for a healthy life, but it can also affect our nerves. Some people drink coffee or smoke because they think it relaxes them, but it doesn’t![3] Are you trying to quit? Get some stop smoking tips, and get started on your healthy diet. Some people feel relaxed temporarily when they eat sweets, like candies, soda, or pastries, but don’t let yourself do it! Caffeine and sugar give us energy spikes and sugar highs, which can make our minds work over-time.[4][5]

What to do: Try eating some dark chocolate and foods rich in Vitamin C, like strawberries, tomatoes, oranges, etc., because they help reduce cortisol, a type of neurotransmitter that causes us to feel stress. And drink non-caffeinated coffee or tea.

Eat healthy to help stay calm

Image Source: fundersandfounders

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