How to Find Your Optimum Sleeping Position for Better Rest

Getting healthy, effective sleep is a necessary factor for your overall well-being. A lack of sleep can cause a variety of health problems and affect your daily mood and motivation as well. Poor sleep can also be dangerous and cause accidents due to drowsy driving and inattention during childcare duties. However, there are ways to improve your sleep, and finding a comfortable sleep position is one of the most effective ways to fall asleep faster, stay asleep, and reduce restlessness.

Why Sleep Position Is Important

Finding the right sleeping position for your rest needs, body type, and medical status can improve the amount and quality of sleep you get. Sleeping position can be important for a variety of reasons, especially when it comes to the alignment of your spine and avoiding neck or back pain. When you sleep in a position that puts pressure on your spine or puts your neck in an unnatural position, you may turn restless or wake up with aches and pains that affect you throughout the day.

Proper sleep position can also reduce restlessness and snoring, which may also interrupt the deep sleep you need to rest your mind and body. Heavy snoring can even lead to sleep apnea, which interrupts regular breathing patterns and may impede oxygen flow to the body and brain. Since this can cause far-reaching medical issues over time, finding a comfortable and healthy sleep position might help you improve your overall health.

Talk to Your Doctor First

Before you try different sleep positions, you might want to schedule an appointment with your doctor or a sleep center specialist. These experts can help you understand how poor sleep affects your mental and physical health and may be able to recommend a sleeping position that will contribute to restful sleep. This may be especially helpful if you already suffer from a chronic health issue that affects your getting quality rest. Many illnesses can interrupt sleep and make falling asleep increasingly difficult.

Sleep specialists may run a battery of tests to discover which sleep position would best benefit you. They may also order records from your general physician to get to the root of your sleeping problems. The more information you can provide them, the more effective their findings may be when it comes to finding a comfortable sleeping position for you.

Consider Your Current Sleeping Position  

You may be sabotaging your own rest by sleeping in a position that creates muscle cramps, kinks in your neck, and an aching back come the morning. As you lie down to sleep, be aware of the position of your body and how it might affect you if you were to fall asleep that way. Reviewing how you sleep and making a conscious effort to change may improve your rest and leave you feeling more refreshed in the morning.

Change Your Bedroom Habits

The position you fall asleep in may have a lot to do with your bedroom routine. Falling asleep on your back, propped up in pillows because you were watching TV or reading, can lead to increased snoring and back pain due to falling asleep sitting up. However, changing your bedtime habits may help you find a more comfortable sleeping position.

When you go to bed, make it a habit to leave the television off. Not only can viewing screens before bedtime stimulate the brain and make falling asleep more difficult, it may affect circadian rhythms over time and can even cause insomnia. If reading in bed helps you unwind, set a timer and read for no more than twenty to thirty minutes. Afterward, get into your recommended sleep position so you can fall asleep in optimum comfort.

Change Your Pillows

Your pillow shape and feel can have a significant impact on sleeping position. Some pillows are designed for certain positions and might contribute to better sleep. If you sleep on your side, then searching for a great pillow option for this specific position may reduce spinal misalignment and other issues that can lead to morning aches and pains.

Restful, regenerating sleep can be a major factor in maintaining mental and physical health. Finding a sleep position that promotes such sleep can take a little time and patience, but the quality of sleep it can bring may be well worth it.

Sleep Positions

Image Source: ilovebettersleep



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