3. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
Warrior III is one of the postures that involve balancing, requiring your mind to be focused on the present moment. As you are entirely concentrated at this moment, there is no space for anxiety or stress left in your mind. This way, it calms the mind and releases stress, anxiety and mild depression. Besides, it is an effective asana to improve balance, memory, posture, balance, and concentration.
How to Do Warrior III:
- Stand straight with your feet separated and hip distance apart.
- Spread your toes wide and ground down through all four corners of the feet.
- Stretch your arms to the ceiling as you inhale.
- Extend the right leg straight back behind you putting weight into the left foot.
- Flex the right foot and find a strong line of energy along the right leg and out through the right heel.
- Raise the inner line of the right thigh higher dropping the right hip down to make sure it remains in level with the left.
- Look down and keep the neck in a neutral position.
- Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds.
To release the pose, slowly place back right foot back in level with the left and get the torso in a vertical position.
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