10 Proven Ways to Help Improve Your Mental Health

3. Make healthier dietary choices to help improve your mental health

A healthy diet is as important to your mental health as it is to your physical well being.[3] The food that we eat has a direct correlation to the way we think and the decisions that we make. Without a proper diet, the mind cannot function properly enough and have the clarity to make the best choices. “We are what we eat” is a popular cliché that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

What we eat is digested and broken down into the building blocks that build and repair the brain, and improves the transfer of information from the neurotransmitters in the brain to the other parts of the body.

What to do:

  • Stay away from products containing and artificial sweeteners and additives
  • Minimize your intake of products containing gluten
  • Minimize how often you consume fast food
  • Consume about 5 to 13 servings of vegetables a day
  • Keep hydrated

Make healthier dietary choices to help improve your mental health

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